Social Network Analysis

Data Structures And Algorithms

Jan 2020 - April 2020

  • Developed clustering algorithm for weighted Network to split multiple groups of users in the Facebook Ego Network.
  • Developed and implemented Kleinberg’s HITS Algorithm and Google’s PageRank algorithm in Java and ranked each nodes and compared the results of top 20%.
  • Hotel Resource and Management System

    Database and Management

    October 2019 - Dec 2019

  • Developed a web application for a hotel chain to manage their online bookings and tasks efficiently.
  • Designed a database model in MySql,Navicat,Java and Java Servlet Pages(JSP) for customer Interaction.
  • Cross Site Scripting

    Chennai, India

    Security and Privacy in Systems

    October 2019 - December 2019

  • Deployed a cross site script(Xss) code that exploits the vulnerabilities in an Elgg platform which is installed in a pre-built Ubuntu image.
  • Achieved a deployment rate of 84% over all the underlying operating systems.
  • Embedded a JavaScript code in a Elgg profile to capture cookie information for information retrieval.
  • Hospital Based Security System

    Senior Design Project

    December 2018 - May 2019

  • Designed a prototype for secure system that can detect and prevent intrusions in a network system.
  • Employed and Deployed a Secure Energy Efficient Algorithm(SHA and SVM) to prevent compromise of data transmission in critical systems Achieved 70% improvements in Throughput, Delay and Packet Delivery Ratio..


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    Harrison, NJ 07029
    United States of America